2016년 3월 28일 월요일

[Doctor Rhee Sewhan's Column]Daily Anti-aging Tips and popular anti-aging trend in Korea

The research has shown that women who have healthy life style looks up to 10 years younger than those who lead unhealthy life-style.

International Research team from Bedford, United Kingdom, Shanghai, China and Madrid, Spain have researched total of 585 women over 8 years to study the link between women’s skin and their life-style. The research teams have asked questions like, “Do you like to sun-tan? Do you smoke? Do you eat vegetable and fruits frequently? Do you brush your teeth? Do you have all the teeth?”

After comparing the actual age with guessed age after taking a photo, the teams have found out women who live unhealthy life appears 10.4 years older than those who live a healthy life-style. The research has found that factors such as tanning-booth, lack of fruit intake, lack of moisture and smoking.  

In particular, smoking decreases the amount of oxygen that is carried onto the skin and promote formation of free-radicals which causes of skin-aging. The chance smoker having wrinkles is 3 times higher than that of non-smoker.

As for food, food with lots of unsaturated fatty acid is helpful for anti-aging. Black sesame seeds, walnuts, almond, peanut, olive oils that are rich in unsaturated fatty acids can be helpful for preventing dry skin (xerosis) and skin contraction (atrophoderma). Furthermore, fruits and vegeta bles that are rich in antioxidants Vitamin A·C·E help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and dry skin.

However, despite all these tips for healthy skins, it is hard to get rid of already existing wrinkles. For those cases in which it is difficult to achieve anti-aging effect with small life styles changes, many people considered various types of intervention at plastic surgery clinics.

Grand Plastic Surgery Hospital’s Dr. Rhee Sewhan (Head plastic surgeon) said, “We have more and more cases of people visiting the hospital for anti-aging procedures or to prevent further aging. For those cases that are hard to see improvement with lifestyle changes, due to on-set signs of aging, different types of anti-aging treatments or surgical procedures are possible. Among people in their 40s and 50s we have more patients interested in ‘lateral canthopexy’ which takes care of lower eyelid wrinkle or ‘botox’ to lessen the appearance of deep smile lines.”

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