2016년 4월 1일 금요일

[Plastic Surgery 101] Dr.Rhee Sewhan's advice to get revision-free nose surgery

Plastic Surgery 101
In these Plastic Surgery 101 series, Dr. Sewhan Rhee will share his expert opinion on various plastic surgeries to help those who are considering plastic surgery make smart decisions.

The first of the series is nose surgery.
Nose Surgery 101
The second most popular cosmetic surgeries in Korea next to double eyelid surgery is nose surgery. With the growing number and demand of the surgery, unfortunately, there seems to be increasing number of revisional nose surgery cases as well. In order to have regret-free surgery, it is absolutely a must to have thorough consultation with the professional plastic surgeon and set a clear goal of what is realistically achievable with surgery. Let’s talk about checklist you have to cross off to help you have successful nose surgery.

Pre-Nose Surgery
Checklist #1 Choose an implant that is suitable for your face
For nose surgery implant material can be divided into foreign material and auto-tissue.
Most common foreign material would be silicone or goretex.
Dr. Rhee Sewhan of Grand Plastic Surgery Hospital said, “High-soft silicone that is commonly used at the hospital may help achieve smooth and seamless nose bridge. However, for those who have thin skin, the outline of the implant may show. On the other hand, goretex has softer texure compared to silicone and may bring natural looking result. However, there is a high chance of nose bridge height being lowered. This is because the goretex implant is likely to adhere to the surrounding tissues.
Depending on the patient’s nose condition, choosing the suitable implant and surgical method may lead to successful nose surgery. Thorough consultation with the certified plastic surgeon is important.

#2 Choose a shape that is suitable for own image rather than following the trend.
Nose surgery should take into consideration not only the mere height of the nose, but also various 3 dimensional factors such as length, width and angle it makes with surrounding facial areas. If one insists on imitating specific celebrity’s nose, it may not create harmony with overall face and create unnatural image.

Rather than focusing on nose bridge and nose tip, the overall line from the forehead, nose bridge to tip and line in makes with the lips has to be smooth and naturally seamless. Furthermore, it has to be proportional to size of each cheek. The most important factor in nose surgery is performing/undergoing a nose surgery to an extent that it does not break the overall harmony of the face.

#3 Get the surgery from the doctor with numerous experience with nose surgery.

Just like any plastic surgery, it is ever more important to bring out natural surgery outcome, especially for surgeries that has to do with face such as eyelid and nose surgery. Finding harmony and balance with overall composition of the face is important more than anything. Therefore, one should plan nose surgery after careful consultation with plastic surgeon with rich experience to ensure satisfactory result.  

Free Consultation with Grand Plastic Surgery Hospital
TEL: +82 70 7119 1580
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DoctorRheeSewhan
Instagram: http://instagram.com/Dr.Sewhan_Rhee

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