2016년 3월 18일 금요일

[Dr. Rhee Sewhan's Column]Botox Injection Tips - Do's and Don'ts

Despite aging, it is universal truth that one wants to remain her youthful look as long as possible and delay signs of aging. Nowadays in Korea, the trend is not mere anti-aging to prevent signs of aging, but more of ‘down-aging’ trend to look younger than one’s actual age.
Therefore, in order to look younger than one’s actual age, there are many people who opt for dermatology treatment, body contouring or lifting treatment. There is high interest in various anti-aging treatments among people not only in their 40s and 50s, but also, in their 30s. One of the well known such treatments is ‘petit surgery’.

The most well known petit surgery is botox. It is a simple treatment using injection so not only is the recovery short and doesnot require specific recovery. Botox is mainly effective for improving the wrinkles on the glabella, crows feet or other expression muscle.

Therefore, in order to look younger than one’s actual age, there are many people who opt for dermatology treatment, body contouring or lifting treatment. There is high interest in various anti-aging treatments among people not only in their 40s and 50s, but also, in their 30s. One of the well known such treatments is ‘petit surgery’.
The most well known petit surgery is botox. It is a simple treatment using injection so not only is the recovery short and does not require specific recovery. Botox is mainly effective for improving the wrinkles on the glabella, crows feet or other expression muscle.

However, botox is not the one-time solution for every wrinkle. Botox may be effective for improving the appearance of expression muscle wrinkles on the forehead, glabella, crows feet, fine horizontal wrinkles on the lower eyelid, nose bridge, lip wrinkle and vertical wrinkle on the the neck. However, it is hard to expect much improvement on the deep wrinkles that are already there even when one does not make any expression.

As shown above, there are different treatments or intervention for different wrinkle location and condition. For instance, if there is deep sunken wrinkle in the middle of forehead, mere botox will be difficult to fix the problem, and botox may have to be performed together with filler injection.

In addition, horizontal wrinkles on the neck and wrinkles on our hand is fixed since young age so it is hard to expect visible result with botox on that area. Therefore, it is important to receive botox after careful examination of the wrinkle condition and area to get safisfactory result.

Grand Plastic Surgery Hospital’s Dr. Rhee Sewhan has said, “Botox blocks the activity of nerve tranfer substance and temporarily slowers the movement of muscle. This selectively blunt the selectively to improve the appearance of wrinkle. Botox is effective for not only alleviating appearance of wrinkles, but also reducing the square jaw muslce and overly developed calf muscle.”

He also said, “Since Botox is a simple injection treatment. People regard getting this treatment done very easy. However, depending on the injection site and amount used the outcome can be very different. Therefore, it is important to get this procedure after sufficient consultation with the certified plastic surgeon”

Free Consultation with Grand Plastic Surgery Hospital
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